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94. In this Act

"the Act of 1891" means the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act 1891;

"certificate of charge" has the meaning assigned to it by section 79(1);

"compulsory registration area" means any area declared to be such by
the Ministry by an order under section 25;

"Conveyancing Acts" means the Conveyancing Acts 1881 to 1911;

"the court" has the meaning assigned to it by section 4;

"estate", without prejudice to section 45(2) of the Interpretation Act
(Northern Ireland) 1954, includes a charge;

"full owner" has the meanings assigned to it by section 12(a) and (c);

"judgment" includes judgment, decree, order and dismiss;

"land", without prejudice to section 45(1) of the Interpretation Act (Northern
Ireland) 1954, includes a charge;

"land certificate" has the meaning assigned to it by section 79(1);

"Land Purchase Acts" includes the Irish Church Act 1869;

"the Land Registry" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1(1);

"Land Registry Rules" means rules made under section 85(3);

"lease" means any contract of tenancy and includes an agreement for a lease;

"leasehold estate" means an estate in land under a lease, not being a term for
securing money, with or without a covenant for renewal, and includes an estate
held at a rent under a lease for a life or lives, or determinable on a life or
lives, and, where a lease in possession and a reversionary lease to take
effect in possession upon the expiry of the lease in possession are so held
that the estate under both leases belongs to the same person otherwise than in
different capacities, such leases, so far as they relate to land comprised in
both leases, shall for the purposes of this Act be treated as creating one
continuous term in possession;

"limited owner", in relation to registered land, means a person registrable
under section 12(b) or (d) as a limited owner and a person described in the
register, pursuant to section 60(1), as a minor owner;

["local authority" means a district council;]

"local registrar" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1(5);

"the Ministry" has the meaning assigned to it by section 25;

"mortgage" has the same meaning as in the Conveyancing Acts;

"pending action" means any action or proceeding, pending in the Supreme Court
or in a county court, relating to any registered land;

"personal representatives" means the executors or executor, original or by
representation, or the administrators or administrator for the time being of a
deceased person;

"possession" includes the receipt of the rents and profits or the right to
receive the same, if any;

"prescribed" means prescribed by Land Registry Rules;

"priority notice" has the meaning assigned to it by section 88(1)(c);

"public or local body" includes any authority or body specified in paragraph 1
of Schedule 1 to the Government Loans Act (Northern Ireland) 1957 as an
authority or body to whom government loans may be made by the Ministry under
section 2 of that Act;

"register" means a register maintained pursuant to section 10 and includes
the registry maps;

"the register of freeholders" has the meaning assigned to it by section 10(a);

"the register of leaseholders" has the meaning assigned to it by
section 10(a);

"the register of subsidiary interests" has the meaning assigned to it by
section 10(b);

"registered burden" means a Schedule 6 burden which has been registered or
deemed to have been registered in the appropriate register;

"registered charge" means a charge which has been registered or deemed to have
been registered in the appropriate register;

"registered statutory charge" means a statutory charge which is registered
pursuant to Part X in the Statutory Charges Register;

"the Registrar" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1(4);

"the registry map" has the meaning assigned to it by section 62(2);

"Schedule 5 burden" means a burden specified in Part I of Schedule 5;

"Schedule 6 burden" means a burden specified in Part I of Schedule 6;

"Settled Land Acts" means the Settled Land Acts 1882 to 1890;

"settlement", "settled land", "tenant for life" and "trustees of the
settlement" have respectively the same meanings as in the Settled Land Acts;

"statutory charge" has the meaning assigned to it by section 87(1);

"statutory provision" has the same meaning as in section 1(f) of the
Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954;

"words of limitation" includes any words which operate as words of limitation.

S.95, with Schedule 12, effects amendments

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