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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LIVESTOCK MARKETING COMMISSION (AMENDMENT) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1969

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1. Regulations made under subsection (1) of section 4 of the Livestock
Marketing Commission Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 (levy for Commission's
expenses) may include provisions

(a)for preventing and prohibiting the sending out of Northern Ireland of any
livestock unless any levy imposed under that section has been paid in respect
of the livestock;

(b)authorising persons

(i)to stop and inspect livestock and vehicles carrying livestock;

(ii)to require the name and address of any person who has any livestock in his
custody, charge or possession and to require that name and address to be

<(iii)to require any person who has any livestock in his custody, charge or possession to state the name and address of the owner, if that person is not the owner of the livestock;

(c)whereby the following persons, that is to say

(i)any person who has the custody, charge or possession of any livestock while
they are being taken out of Northern Ireland;

(ii)any person who sends livestock out of Northern Ireland;

This Act may be cited as the Livestock Marketing Commission (Amendment)
Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 and this Act and the Livestock Marketing
Commission Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 may be cited together as the Livestock
Marketing Commission Acts (Northern Ireland) 1967 and 1969.$$#

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