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Amendment of s.1 of 1930 c.22 (20 & 21 Geo. 5) etc., as to tithe rentcharge and variable rents.

3.(1) Where any tithe rentcharge or variable rent is payable to some person
other than the Ministry, the sum payable in respect of every gale thereof
accruing due after the first day of May, nineteen hundred and thirty-two,
shall be deemed to be varied from the amount at which it stood on the first
day of November, nineteen hundred and thirty, by being reduced by eight per
cent., and shall be payable accordingly; and no tithe rentcharge or
variable rent payable to any such person shall be varied except in accordance
with this section.

(2) The following enactments are hereby repealed:

So much of the Tithe Rentcharge (Ireland) Act, 1900, as relates to the
variation of tithe rentcharges and variable rents;

Section ninety of the Irish Land Act, 1903;

Sub-section (2) of section one of the Tithe Rentcharge and Variable Rents Act
(Northern Ireland), 1930, except as respects any agreements entered into under
that sub-section before the date of the passing of this Act.

(3) In this section the expressions "tithe rentcharge" and "variable rent"
mean respectively a tithe rentcharge to which the provisions of the
Tithe Rentcharge (Ireland) Act, 1900, would, but for this section, apply, and
a variable rent to which those provisions, as extended by section ninety of
the Irish Land Act, 1903, would, but for this section, apply.

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