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Authentication of seal of Department of Finance on certificates of sum due.

2.(1) Where a certificate under the seal of the Ministry is required for the
purposes of section forty-nine of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870,
or of section twenty or section twenty-eight of the
Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887, that seal may, notwithstanding any provision of
the Ministries of Northern Ireland Act, 1921 [N.I.], be authenticated by the
signature of any of such officers of the Ministry as may be authorised by the
Minister of Finance to authenticate that seal in such circumstances as the
said Minister may specify.

(2) Any authority given by the Minister of Finance under this section shall be
published in the Belfast Gazette, and the production of a copy of that Gazette
purporting to be printed under the authority of the officer for the time being
appointed to print the Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, and
containing the publication of the authority given by the said Minister, shall
be conclusive evidence of the giving thereof.

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