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Subletting to labourers and others.

4. A tenant shall for the purpose of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, and of
this Act, be deemed to be in bona8 fide occupation of his holding
notwithstanding that he has sublet part thereof, provided the subletting is
for the use of a labourer or labourers bona8 fide employed and required for
the cultivation of the holding, and the court deems such subletting
reasonable, and sanctions the same. The land comprised in each such letting
shall not exceed half an acre in extent, and the court shall have regard to
the size and character of the holding, and may prescribe such terms as to rent
and otherwise with regard to the part sublet as it thinks fit.

... This section shall not apply to a subletting made by a tenant during a
statutory term nor to a subletting made after the passing of this Act.

S.5 rep. by 1896 c.47 s.52 sch.2. S.6 rep. by SLR 1950. S.7 rep. by 1978 c.23
s.122(2) sch.7 Pt.I. S.8 rep. by SLR 1908; SLR 1950

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