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Short title.

35. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the
Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887.].etween A.B. - <-<-<- Plaintiff,4and

Take notice, that a judgment [or decree] for the recovery of the lands of       for nonpayment of rent has been recovered by the above-named A.B.

And that any person entitled by law to redeem the said lands must do so within a period of six months from the service [or posting] of this notice, and that any person being a tenant or having a specific interest in the tenancy, and desiring to redeem, must pay to A.B. [landlord's name], at      , or G.H. [agent's name] at      , or lodge in the       Division of the High Court [or with the [chief clerk]], the rent, arrears, and costs within the said period of six months.  The particulars of the rent and costs are as follows: [set them out as in the judgment or decree].

On the service [or posting] of this notice, the persons to whom it is
addressed, being in possession of any part of the lands, are deemed to be in
possession as caretakers, and the service of this notice operates in the same
manner as if the judgment [or decree] in ejectment had been executed against
them, and as if having been removed from possession, they had been reinstated
as caretakers.

Dated, &c.

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