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Northern Irish Legislation

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Priority of charge for advance.

20. Every annuity payable in respect of any advance made either before or
after the passing of this Act to enable a tenant to purchase a holding under
the Land Law (Ireland) Acts, shall be a charge on the holding subject thereto,
having priority over all existing and future estates, interests, and
incumbrances created either by the landlord or the tenant, or their respective
predecessors in title, and whether before or after the making of the advance,
with the exception of quitrent and other charges incident to the tenure,
rentcharges in lieu of tithes, and any charges created under any Acts
authorising advance of public money, or under any Act creating charges in
respect of improvements on lands and passed before this Act, and with the
exception also (in cases where lands are subject to a fee-farm rent or held
under a lease reserving rent) of such fee-farm rent or rent reserved as
aforesaid. Every such annuity payable to the Land Commission shall be payable
in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of May and the first day of
November in each year. The first half-yearly payment of any such annuity
shall, where the advance is not made on one of the said gale days, be due and
paid on the second of such gale days after the date of the advance, and
together with such first half-yearly payment there shall be due and paid an
additional sum for interest on the advance at the rate of three and one-eighth
per centum per annum from the date of the advance until the first gale day
next after that date. A certificate purporting to be under the seal of the
Land Commission, or the Commissioners of Public Works, as the case may be,
shall be evidence that the amount of any annuity or arrears of annuity stated
therein to be due under any of the said Acts in respect of any holding named
therein, is due to the Land Commission or the Commissioners of Public Works,
as the case may be, in respect of such holding.

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