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> S.15 rep. by SLR 1908; SLR 1950. S.16 rep. by 1903 c.37 s.103 sch.; SLR 1950. S.17 rep. by 1896 c.47 s.52 sch.2

18.(1) Every advance made by the Land Commission under the Land Law (Ireland)
Acts shall be secured by an order of the Land Commission declaring the land
upon which such advance is made to be charged with the repayment of the
advance with interest in such manner as the order may direct. In case any
interest or instalment mentioned in such order, or in any order made by a land
judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court, under the provisions of the
Land Law (Ireland) Acts, shall be in arrear for the space of forty days after
the time the same might be paid, it shall be lawful for the Land Commission to
exercise the powers of sale and other powers conferred upon mortgagees by
sections nineteen, twenty-one, and twenty-two of the Conveyancing and Law of
Property Act, 1881, so far as the same is applicable. The Land Commission
shall apply the moneys arising upon any such sale in manner provided by
section fifteen of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885.

Subs.(2) rep. by 1896 c.47 s.52 sch.2

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