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Licensing of places used for public entertainment.

31.(1) As from the commencement of this section a house, room, garden or other
place (in this section referred to as "premises"), whether licensed or not for
the sale of wine, spirits, beer or other fermented or distilled liquors, shall
not be kept or used for public dancing, singing, music, boxing or other public
entertainment of the like kind without a licence for the purpose or purposes
for which the premises are to be used first obtained from the [district
council] of the... district in which the premises are situate.

(2) The [district council] may grant and renew licences to such persons as
they think fit to keep or use premises for all or any of the purposes
aforesaid upon such terms and conditions and subject to such restrictions as
the [district council] by the respective licences determine.

(3) Every licence granted or renewed under this section shall, unless revoked,
be valid for a period expiring on the thirty-first day of December after such
grant or renewal next ensuing, or, if any annual meeting shall be appointed by
the [district council] to be held for the purpose of considering applications
under this section in the year next succeeding the said thirty-first day of
December, until the date of such annual meeting so appointed.

(4) The [district council] may from time to time transfer to such person as
they think fit any licence granted or renewed under this section.

(5) A person making application for a licence or the renewal or transfer of a
licence under this section in respect of any premises shall

(a)make such application in writing to the [district council] and state
therein his full name and address, the address of the premises for which the
licence is sought and the purpose or purposes for which it is intended to use
the premises;

(b)when making the application, give notice thereof in writing to the district
inspector of the Royal Ulster Constabulary acting for the district in which
the premises are situate;

(c)when making the application, pay to the [district council] in respect
thereof a fee of [25p].

(6) The [district council] shall, as soon as reasonably practicable but not
more than one month after the receipt of an application as aforesaid, take the
same into consideration and may either grant, renew or transfer the licence
(as the case may be), or may refuse to grant, renew or transfer the same for
any reason which the [district council] may deem to be sufficient. The
[district council] shall in each case give to the applicant notice in writing
of their decision.

(7) A [district council] shall not refuse to grant, renew or transfer, nor
shall they revoke or vary, a licence to which this section applies unless they
have given to the person applying for the grant, renewal or transfer, or
holding the licence proposed to be revoked or varied, not less than seven
days' previous notice in writing that objections have been or will be taken to
such grant, renewal or transfer, or that a revocation or variation is
proposed, and unless, on written application made within seven days after the
receipt of such notice, they have afforded to such person an opportunity of
being heard against such refusal, revocation or variation.

(8) Any premises kept or used for any purpose in contravention of sub-section
(1) of this section shall be deemed a disorderly house, and the person
occupying or rated as occupier of the same shall be liable [on summary
conviction] to a penalty not exceeding [#200] for every day on which such
premises are so kept or used for any such purpose.

(9) Any premises kept or used for any of the aforesaid purposes, although
licensed under this section, shall not be opened for any of the aforesaid
purposes except on the days and between the hours stated in the licence. The
days and hours of opening and closing shall be inserted in, and their
observance shall be made a condition of, every licence under this section.

Subs.(10) rep. by SRO (NI) 1973/285

(11) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the [district council] refusing to
grant, renew or transfer, or revoking or varying, a licence under this section
in respect of any premises may appeal to the county court having jurisdiction
where the premises concerned are situate, and the decision of that court shall
be final and conclusive....

(12) Any building, hall, room or other premises for which a licence is

(a)under the Cinematograph Act, 1909, for the giving therein of [a
cinematograph exhibition (as defined in the Cinematograph Act (Northern
Ireland), 1959)]; or

(b)under [the Theatres (Northern Ireland) Order 1979], for the use thereof as
a theatre or music hall;

Subs.(13) spent

Ss.3235 rep. by 1946 c.6 (NI) s.25(3) sch.5; 1948 c.3 (NI) s.83 sch.10 Pt.II;
1955 c.13 (NI) s.1(2)


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