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Northern Irish Legislation

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Duty of county and district council to maintain works.

82.(1) It shall be the duty of every county and district council, according to
their respective powers, to keep all public works maintainable at the cost of
their county or district in good condition and repair, and to take all steps
necessary for that purpose.

(2) The council of a county, upon a proposal made by the council of a district
in which any ... public work is situate, or ... without such proposal, may, if
the ... work appears to such county council to be useless, and they resolve so
to do, stop up or abandon the ... work; but, if an objection by any ratepayer
is lodged in the manner and within the time determined by an Order in Council
under Part VI of this Act, the said resolution shall be of no effect unless
approved by the Local Government Board.

Subs.(3)(4) rep. by 1972 c.9 (NI) s.149 sch.9

(5) The provisions of the Grand Juries Acts with respect to memorials, other
than memorials by a grand jury, shall be repealed, and the provisions of those
and any other Acts with respect to traverse shall be repealed, so far as they
relate to business transferred by this Act to county or district councils or
the county court.

Officers of county.

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