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Northern Irish Legislation

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4.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, there shall be transferred to the
council of each county all the business of the grand jury not excepted by this
section, and all the business of the county at large presentment sessions; and
the county council for the purpose of such business shall, save that any fiat
or other sanction of a judge shall not be required, have the powers and duties
of the grand jury and the said presentment sessions in connexion with the said
business, and also such further powers and duties as are conferred on them by
or in pursuance of this Act, or as may be necessary for conducting, as an
administrative body, the business hereby transferred.

Subs.(2) rep. by SLR 1976

S.5 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954; 1956 c.19 (NI) s.1(2) sch.; 1968 c.9 (NI) s.13
sch.2. S.6 rep. by 1972 NI 16 art.63(3) sch.19; SLR 1976. S.7 rep. by 1923
c.21 (NI) s.110(2) sch.6. S.8 rep. by 1923 c.10 (NI) s.1(2). S.9 rep. by SLR
1908; 1932 c.15 (NI) s.72 sch.3; 1948 c.3 (NI) s.32(1) sch.5 Pt.II

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