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Northern Irish Legislation

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27.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act there shall be transferred

(a)to the district council of every county district, the business of any
baronial presentment sessions so far as respects their district; and

(b)to the district council of every urban county district, so far as respects
their district, the business of the grand jury of the county in relation to
public works, the expense of the maintenance of which is not wholly or partly
leviable off the county at large;

Subs.(2) rep. by 1923 c.10 (NI) s.2(2); subs.(3)(4) rep. by 1972 c.9 (NI)
s.149 sch.9

(5) If the council of any ... district, or the council of any adjoining ...
district, consider that any contribution should be made by one council to the
other in respect of a liability for maintaining any public work heretofore
maintained out of money levied off an area comprising the whole or part of
both such districts, the councils may agree upon such contribution, and in
default of agreement either council may apply to the Local Government Board to
order such contribution, and that Board shall deal with the application as a
matter of adjustment under this Act.

Subs.(6) rep. by SRO (NI) 1973/285

(7) Where an order of the Local Government Board, under the foregoing
provisions, deals with an application to order any contribution or fixes the
terms of an undertaking, and within three months after the order the Board
receive a petition against it from either council affected, or from at least
one-fourth of the local government electors of any district ... affected, the
order shall be provisional only, and a certificate of the
Local Government Board that no such petition has been received, and that the
order has taken effect, shall be conclusive evidence of those facts.

Subs.(8) rep. by SRO (NI) 1973/285

S.28 rep. by 1972 NI 16 art.63(3) sch.19

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