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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LOCAL GOVERNMENT (IRELAND) ACT 1898

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Extent of Act, short title, and repeal.

110.(1) This Act shall extend to Ireland only, and may be cited as the
Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.

(2) ...

(a)any enactment or document referring to any Act or enactment hereby repealed
shall be construed to refer to this Act or to the corresponding enactments in
this Act:

Para.(b) rep. by 1948 c.3 (NI) s.32(1) sch.5 Pt.II

(4) Any other enactments of any Act, whether general or local, touching any
business transferred to county or district councils or the county court by
this Act, so far as they relate to any fiat or other sanction of a judge,
court, or recorder, or relate to traverses or memorials other than memorials
by a grand jury, shall be repealed.

Ss.111114 rep. by SLR 1908. Ss. 115119 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954. S.120 rep. by
SLR 1908. Ss.121, 122 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954. S.123 rep. by SLR 1908

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