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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LAND DEVELOPMENT VALUES (COMPENSATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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Reduction or extinguishment of development value following planning compensation.

9.(1) Where at any time any such compensation as is mentioned in subsection
(2) has been paid or becomes payable, then, for the purpose of determining
whether the land in question or any part thereof has or had a balance of
development value at any subsequent time

(a)the amount of the compensation shall be deducted from the development value
of that land; and

(b)the development value of that land or that part thereof shall be treated as
having been reduced or extinguished accordingly immediately before that
subsequent time.

(2) The said compensation is either

(a)any compensation under the Act of 1944 in relation to

(i)a planning decision given on an application for planning permission for
new development made after 25th February 1963; or

(ii)a planning decision given after the passing of this Act on an application
for planning permission for new development made before 26th February 1963; or

(b)any compensation under this Part.

(3) Subsection (1) shall have effect subject to the provisions of this Act
relating to the recovery of compensation on subsequent development.

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