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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LAND DEVELOPMENT VALUES (COMPENSATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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8.(1) In this Part any reference to the development value of land is, subject
to the following provisions of this Part, a reference to the value which is
determined to be the development value of the land under Part I.

(2) For the purposes of this Part, land shall be taken to have a development
value if, and only if, either

(a)the land consists of a valued area and of no other land; or

(b)the land consists of part of a valued area and of no other land.

(3) For the purposes of this Part, the development value of part of a
valued area shall be so much of the amount of the development value of the
land which forms that area as might reasonably have been attributed to that
part if the Ministry had been required to apportion it between that part and
the residue of the valued area in accordance with sections 1 to 3, but so that
the aggregate of the development values of all the parts of a valued area
shall equal the development value of that area.

Subs.(3A) inserted by 1972 NI 17 art.96 which was rep. by 1973 NI 21 art.72(2)

(4) In this section ... "valued area" means any land in respect of which, in
pursuance of a Part I application, a development value is determined to exist.

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