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Regulations as to Part I applications.

7. The Ministry shall make regulations

(a)prescribing the manner in which, and the period (not being shorter than one
year, nor longer than two years beginning with the specified date as defined
in section 5(11)) within which, Part I applications must be made;

(b)prescribing the particulars which must accompany such an application and
the evidence required to verify it;

(c)requiring development values to be determined by or on behalf of
the Ministry in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed;

(d)requiring any objection to any development value so determined, or to any
determination that land has not a development value, to be made to
the Ministry within such period as may be prescribed (not being a period
shorter than two months from the date on which the Ministry gives notice of
the determination in question to the person making the Part I application);

(e)providing for the settlement of any disputes arising in relation to the
determinations referred to in paragraph (c) by the Lands Tribunal;

(f)requiring any question arising under this Part to be referred to
the Lands Tribunal within such period as may be prescribed;

(g)prescribing the practice and procedure to be followed in connection with
the determination of development values and the settlement of any such
disputes as are mentioned in paragraph (e) and the time within which and the
manner in which proceedings may be taken in respect of any alleged
irregularity in connection therewith;

(h)rendering the right to have the development value of any land ascertained
conditional upon compliance with the provisions of the regulations with
respect to the making of applications for the ascertainment of that value.

Interpretation (Part II).

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