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Public bodies in relation to compensation under s.26 or s.29.

29.(1) This section shall, subject to subsection (3), have effect in relation
to any planning decision given in pursuance of an application made after 25th
February 1963 whereby permission to carry out
any development of a class specified in Schedule 1 is refused or is granted
subject to conditions.

(2) If on a claim duly made to the Ministry, it is shown that the value of a
compensatable estate in the land which is the subject of the planning decision
in question, is less than it would have been if the permission had been
granted, or had been granted unconditionally, as the case may be, compensation
of an amount equal to the difference shall be payable under this section
unless compensation under the Act of 1944 has been paid or is payable in
respect of the planning decision in question.

(3) Compensation shall not be payable under this section in relation to such a
planning decision as is mentioned in subsection (1) whereby permission to use
as two or more separate dwelling houses a building which at a material date
(as defined in Schedule 1) was used as a single dwelling house is refused or
granted subject to conditions unless it appears that the lower value of the
compensatable estate in the land to which the planning decision relates (as
calculated for the purposes of subsection (2)), is not reasonable having
regard to the value of any other comparable dwelling houses situated in the
area in which the building in question is situated.

(4) Any dispute under subsection (3) as to whether a vendor would receive a
reasonable price for a building in the circumstances mentioned in that
subsection shall be referred to the Lands Tribunal for determination.

(5) In determining, for the purposes of subsection (2), whether or to what
extent the value of a compensatable estate in land is less than it would have
been if the permission had been granted, or had been granted unconditionally

(a)it shall be assumed that any subsequent application for the like planning
permission would be determined in the same way; but

(b)if, in the case of a refusal of planning permission, the Ministry undertook
to grant planning permission for some other development of the land in the
event of an application being made in that behalf, regard shall be had to that

(6) Where planning permission to carry out any such development as is
mentioned in subsection (1) is granted subject to conditions for regulating
the design or external appearance of buildings, or the size or height of
buildings, those conditions shall be disregarded in assessing the
compensation, if any, payable under this section.

[(6A) Section 24 shall have effect with respect to compensation payable under
this section as it has effect with respect to compensation payable under
Part II, except that the definition of "relevant development" shall have
effect as if for the words "any new development" there were substituted the
words "any development of a class specified in Schedule 1".]

Subs.(7)(8) rep. by 1972 NI 17 art.110(2) sch.7

(9) Sections 20(2) and 22 shall have effect for the purposes of a claim for
compensation under this section as they have effect for the purposes of a
claim under Part II.

(10) The Ministry may make regulations under this section as to the manner in
which any claims for compensation under this section must be made.

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