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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LAND DEVELOPMENT VALUES (COMPENSATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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Apportionment of compensation.

21.(1) Where on a claim for compensation which is payable under this Part in
respect of a compensatable estate subsisting in land which is the subject of a
planning decision, the Ministry determines that compensation exceeding fifty
pounds is payable, the Ministry may, if it appears to it to be practicable to
do so, apportion the amount of compensation between different parts of the
land to which the claim relates.

(2) In making an apportionment under subsection (1) the Ministry shall divide
the land into parts and distribute the compensation between those parts,
according to the manner in which the different parts of the land appear to
the Ministry to be differently affected by the planning decision in respect of
which the claim for compensation is made.

(3) On a reference to the Lands Tribunal under section 23, subsections (1) and
(2) shall, unless the decision of the Tribunal will not affect the amount of
the compensation or any apportionment thereof by the Ministry, have effect as
if for references to the Ministry there were substituted references to
the Lands Tribunal.

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