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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LAND DEVELOPMENT VALUES (COMPENSATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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Supplementary provisions as to deductions from development value.

12.(1) Where

(a)any land taken as a whole has a development value; and

(b)an act or event occurs or has occurred in relation to part of that land
such that, in accordance with any of the preceding provisions of this Part, an
amount is required to be deducted from the development value of that part of
that land for the purpose of determining whether that part has or had a
balance of development value at any subsequent time;

(2) Where in accordance with any of the preceding provisions of this Part an
amount is required to be deducted from the development value of any land,
there shall be attributed to the various parts of that land so much of that
amount as might reasonably be expected to have been attributed thereto if the
authority determining the amount had been required to apportion it between
those parts in accordance with the same principles as applied to its

(3) Where two or more acts or events occur or have occurred in relation to the
same land such that in accordance with any of the preceding provisions of this
Part, an amount is required to be deducted from the development value of that
land or any part thereof

(a)those provisions shall apply cumulatively; and

(b)the requisite deduction from the development value of that land or that
part shall be made by reference to each of those acts or events.

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