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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LEGITIMACY DECLARATION ACT (IRELAND) 1868

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Power to apply for declaration of legitimacy.

1. Any... subject of the Queen, or any person whose right to be deemed a...
subject depends wholly or in part on his legitimacy, being domiciled in
England or Ireland, or claiming any real or personal estate situate in
Ireland, may apply by petition to the [High Court of Justice in Northern
Ireland], praying for a decree that the petitioner is the legitimate child of
his parents, [or that] the marriage of his father and mother, or of his
grandfather and grandmother, was a valid marriage, or for a decree declaring
[any of] the matters aforesaid; and any such subject or person being so
domiciled or claiming as aforesaid may in like manner apply to such Court for
a decree declaring that his marriage was or is a valid marriage; and such
Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine such application, and to
make such decree declaratory of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of such person,
or of the validity or invalidity of such marriage, as to the Court may seem
just; and such decree, except as herein-after mentioned, shall be binding to
all intents and purposes on Her Majesty and on all persons whomsoever.

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