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Commencement of Act.

105. This Act shall come into operation on the first day of January one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.

Section 35.

County of M.To C.D and E.F., and all persons whom it may concern.

to wit.

WHEREAS information on oath has been this day laid before me, being one of Her
Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of M., that you, C.D. and E.F.,
being the occupiers of [or acting under the authority of and in collusion with
one M.N., being the occupier of] a certain dwelling house [or farm of lands]
situated at N. in the barony of O. and county of M. aforesaid, and held by you
as [tenant from year to year, or otherwise, as tenant or caretaker, as the
case may be,] to A.B., do intend and are about to commit or suffer [or are in
the act of committing or suffering] certain unlawful waste and injury to the
premises by [state the nature of the waste, injury, alteration, or removal
which is apprehended or actually being done,] contrary to the statute in that
case made and provided.

These are, therefore, to command and firmly enjoin you and each of you, and
all other persons whomsoever, not to proceed to [state again the waste, &c.,
apprehended or being done], or to continue the same, or otherwise to injure
the said premises, or any part of them, until special leave, licence, and
authority in writing for that purpose shall be first procured from and given
by me the said justice, or until the matter of the said information shall be
first inquired into at the petty sessions of the peace to be holden at , on
the day of next, and this my precept lawfully annulled or altered in that
behalf [or until the day of next, naming a particular day, or further order].

And in case you shall disobey this my precept, you and each of you, and all
persons wilfully aiding, abetting, or assisting you in so doing, will be
punished in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided.

And all constables of police, and others, are hereby required to prevent such
waste or injury, and to apprehend and bring to justice all persons present and
aiding or assisting in such unlawful acts, to be dealt with according to law.

Given under my hand and seal, this day of <,


ustice of the peace for the county of M.NNos.25 rep. by SLR 1893. Nos.6, 7
rep. by 1969 c.30 (NI) s.132 sch.6





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