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Issue of warrant by police magistrate, justice, &c.

8. A warrant for the apprehension of a fugitive criminal, whether accused or
convicted of crime, who is in or suspected of being in the United Kingdom, may
be issued

<1.By a police magistrate on the receipt of the said order of the Secretary of State, and on such evidence as would in his opinion justify the issue of the warrant if the crime had been committed or the criminal convicted in England; and

<2.By a police magistrate or any justice of the peace in any part of the United Kingdom, on such information or complaint and such evidence or after such proceedings as would in the opinion of the person issuing the warrant justify the issue of a warrant if the crime had been committed or the criminal convicted in that part of the United Kingdom in which he exercises jurisdiction.

A fugitive criminal, when apprehended on a warrant issued without the order of
a Secretary of State, shall be brought before some person having power to
issue a warrant under this section, who shall by warrant order him to be
brought and the prisoner shall accordingly be brought before a
police magistrate.

A fugitive criminal apprehended on a warrant issued without the order of a
Secretary of State shall be discharged by the police magistrate, unless the
police magistrate, within such reasonable time as, with reference to the
circumstances of the case, he may fix, receives from a Secretary of State an
order signifying that a requisition has been made for the surrender of such

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