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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LANDLORD AND TENANT (IRELAND) ACT 1870

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37. The Court shall determine the rights and priorities of the several persons
entitled to or having charges upon or otherwise interested in any holding sold
in pursuance of this Act, and shall distribute the purchase money in
accordance with such rights and priorities.

Where any moneys arising from a sale under this part of this Act are not
immediately distributable, or the parties entitled thereto cannot be
ascertained, or where from any other cause the Court thinks it expedient for
the protection of the rights of the parties interested, the Court may order
the moneys to be lodged in Court or in the prescribed bank to the prescribed
account, and may by its order declare the trusts affecting such moneys, so far
as the Court has ascertained the same, or state the facts or matters found by
it in relation to the rights and interests in such moneys; and the Court may
from time to time make such orders in respect to any such moneys, and the
investment or application thereof, or the payment thereof to the parties
interested, as the circumstances of the case may require.

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