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Northern Irish Legislation

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Compensation in absence of custom.

3. Where the tenant of any holding held by him under a tenancy created after
the passing of this Act is not entitled to compensation under sections one and
two of this Act, or either of such sections, or if entitled does not seek
compensation under said sections or either of them, and is disturbed in his
holding by the act of the landlord, he shall be entitled to such compensation
... to be paid by the landlord, as the Court may think just, ....

Provisions relating to scale of compensation rep. by 1881 c.49 s.6 which
substitutes other provisions

Provided that

(1)Out of any moneys payable to the tenant under this section all sums due to
the landlord from the tenant or his predecessors in title in respect of rent,
or in respect of any deterioration of a holding arising from non-observance on
the part of the tenant of any express or implied covenant or agreement, may be
deducted by the landlord, and also any taxes payable by the tenant due in
respect of the holding, and not recoverable by him from the landlord:

(2)A tenant of a holding who at any time after the passing of this Act
subdivides such holding, or sublets the same or any part thereof without the
consent of the landlord in writing, or, after he has been prohibited in
writing by the landlord or his agent from so doing, lets the same or any part
thereof in conacre, save for the purpose of being solely used and which shall
be solely used for the growing of potatoes or other green crops, the land
being properly manured, shall not, nor shall any sub-tenant of or under any
such tenant as last aforesaid, be entitled to any compensation under this

(3)A tenant of a holding under a lease made after the passing of this Act, and
granted for a term certain of not less than thirty-one years, shall not be
entitled to any compensation under this section, but he may claim compensation
under section four of this Act.


Compensation in respect of improvements.

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