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Agreement by limited owner.

27. A landlord, being a limited owner, shall have power to agree with a tenant
as to the amount of compensation payable to him under this Act, and on payment
of the same to the tenant may apply to the Civil Bill Court for an order
charging the holding with an annuity in respect of such payment, and
the Court, upon being satisfied of such payment having been made, shall charge
the holding with an annuity of five pounds for every one hundred pounds of the
sum so paid to the tenant, and so on in proportion for any less sum, such
annuity to be limited in favour of the limited owner, his executors,
administrators, and assigns, and to be payable for a term of thirty-five years
on the anniversary of such date: Provided that no such order shall be made by
the Court unless notice of the application for the same shall have been given
in the prescribed form to the person for the time being entitled to the first
estate of inheritance, if any, expectant upon the determination of the estate
of the limited owner, or if such person shall be a married woman, infant, or
lunatic, to his or her husband, guardian, or committee respectively. Any
annuity created under this section shall be a charge upon the holding having
priority over all estates and interests subsequent to the estate or interest
of the limited owner, but subject to any estates, mortgages, or other
interests having priority over or charged on the estate of the limited owner.

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