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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LANDLORD AND TENANT (IRELAND) ACT 1870

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26. The expression "limited owner" shall in this Act mean as follows:

(1)Any person entitled under any existing or future settlement at law or in
equity, for his own benefit and for the term of his own life, to the
possession or receipt of the rents and profits of land, whether subject or not
to incumbrances, in which the estate for the time being subject to the trusts
of the settlement is an estate for lives or years renewable for ever, or is an
estate renewable for a term of not less than sixty years, or is an estate for
a term of years of which not less than sixty are unexpired, or is a greater
estate than any of the foregoing estates:

(2)Any body corporate, any corporation sole, ecclesiastical, or lay, any
trustees for charities, and any commissioners or trustees for ecclesiastical,
collegiate, or other public purposes, entitled at law or in equity, in the
case of freehold land, to an estate in fee simple or in fee farm, and in the
case of leasehold land to a lease for an unexpired residue of not less than
thirty-one years, or for a term of years or of lives renewable for ever, or
renewable for a period of not less than thirty-one years.

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