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Court of Arbitration.

25. Where the parties to any such dispute as aforesaid respecting any holding
are desirous that such dispute should be settled by arbitration, they shall,
in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time, refer the same to an
arbitrator or arbitrators, with an umpire to be appointed in manner appearing
in the schedule annexed hereto, and the tribunal so selected shall be deemed
in respect of such dispute the Court of Arbitration under this Act.

The Court of Arbitration shall in all cases brought before it under this Act,
have all and the like powers, jurisdiction, and authority as a Civil Bill
Court under this Act, with this exception, that the Court of Arbitration shall
have no power to punish persons for contempt, or to enforce its awards; but it
may report to the Civil Bill Court the name of any person refusing to give
evidence, or to produce documents, or guilty of contempt of the Court when
sitting judicially; and the Civil Bill Court may, upon such report, punish the
offender in the same manner as if the offence had been committed in, or in
respect of a matter under the cognizance of the Civil Bill Court.

The award of the Court of Arbitration may, at the instance of either party, be
recorded in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time in the Civil
Bill Court, and when so recorded shall be enforceable as if the same were an
order of the said Court.

No such award shall, so far as relates to the dispute under this Act, be held
to be invalid by reason of the violation of or non-compliance with any
technical rule of law respecting awards, where such award substantially
decides the dispute referred to the Court of Arbitration.

No appeal shall lie from an award of the Court of Arbitration, nor shall any
such award be removable by certiorari.

Interpretation of "limited owner."

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