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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LANDLORD AND TENANT (IRELAND) ACT 1870

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Restriction on eviction of tenant.

21. A tenant who may be decided by the Court to be entitled to compensation to
be paid by any landlord shall not be compelled by process of law to quit his
holding until the amount of compensation due to him has been paid or deposited
in manner herein-after mentioned. A landlord shall in all cases have the
option of depositing in the manner prescribed the amount of compensation due;
and if at any time after the making of a claim for compensation as
herein-before directed, and before finally giving up possession of his
holding, a tenant shall be alleged to have done any damage to his holding, or
the buildings thereon, the Court shall inquire into the same, and allow to the
landlord out of the money so deposited such compensation as it may deem just,
including mesne rates. In no case shall a tenant, except by special leave of
the Court be entitled to receive the money so deposited until he shall have
given up possession of his holding. Where compensation is awarded in respect
of any holding to be paid by any landlord who is himself a tenant of such
holding, the tenant to whom such compensation is awarded shall not by reason
of such compensation not being paid or deposited in manner aforesaid by such
landlord be entitled under this section, as against a superior landlord not
liable to such compensation, to retain possession of the holding after the
expiration or determination of the title thereto of the landlord by whom such
compensation was so awarded to be paid as aforesaid.

Court to mean Civil Bill Court or Court of Arbitration.

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