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Procedure in connection with suspension.

73.(1) Where the holder of a licence is charged with an offence under

(a)any provision of this Act; or

(b)the Food and Drugs Act (Northern Ireland) 1958, where the offence was
committed in or in relation to the licensed premises; or

Para.(c) rep. by SL(R) 1977

(d)any provision of the Gaming Act 1845, the Betting Act 1853, the
Gaming Houses Act 1854 or the Betting and Lotteries Act (Northern Ireland)
1957, where the offence was committed in the licensed premises; or

(e)section 13 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885,

(2) A court which suspends a licence shall order the holder of the licence to
deliver it to the clerk of the court within a period specified in the order,
unless it has already been so delivered and has not been returned under
subsection (3); and if he contravenes the order he shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding #5
for every day on which the contravention is continued.

(3) The clerk of a court to whom a licence is delivered under subsection (2)

(a)if he is not the clerk of petty sesions who keeps the register in which
particulars of the licence are recorded, send the licence to that clerk of
petty sessions; or

(b)if he keeps that register, retain the licence;

Suspension of licence not to take effect pending appeal against conviction.

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