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71.(1) Where the holder of a licence is convicted of

(a)an offence under section 41(1)(a), 53, 56, 57 or 62(1), committed in or in
relation to the licensed premises, and had previously been convicted of an
offence under any of those sections committed in or in relation to those
premises; or

Para.(b) rep. by SL(R) 1977

(c)an offence under section 13 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885
(permitting premises to be a brothel), where the offence was committed in the
licensed premises or in premises which adjoin or are near them,

(2) Where the holder of a licence is convicted of an offence under

(a)any provision of this Act, other than an offence to which subsection (1)(a)
applies of which he is convicted in circumstances such as are mentioned in
that paragraph; or

(b)the Food and Drugs Act (Northern Ireland) 1958, where the offence was
committed in or in relation to the licensed premises; or

(c)the Gaming Act 1845, the Betting Act 1853, the Gaming Houses Act 1854 or
the Betting and Lotteries Act (Northern Ireland) 1957, where the offence was
committed in the licensed premises,

(3) The period for which a licence is suspended under subsection (1) or (2)
shall not be less than one week or more than three months, except that, where
in consequence of a conviction such as is mentioned in subsection (2)(b) an
order is made under section 14 of the said Act of 1958 disqualifying the
holder of a licence for using the licensed premises for the purposes of a food
business which is or includes the business authorised by the licence, the
licence may be suspended for the period during which the order is in force.

(4) The suspension of a licence shall be in addition to any other penalty
which may be imposed by the court.

(5) A suspended licence shall not be in force during the period of suspension
except for the purposes of the provisions of this Act relating to the
surrender, renewal or transfer of licences and to protection orders.

(6) A licence may be suspended for any period notwithstanding that it is due
to expire before the commencement of, or during, that period.

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