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Northern Irish Legislation

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Limitation of damages if plaintiff proved guilty of offence, &c.

13. In all cases where the plaintiff in any such action shall be entitled to
recover, and he shall prove the levying or payment of any penalty or sum of
money under any conviction or order as parcel of the damages he seeks to
recover, or if he prove that he was imprisoned under such conviction or order,
and shall seek to recover damages for any such imprisonment, he shall not be
entitled to recover the amount of such penalty or sum so levied or paid, or
any sum beyond the sum of twopence as damages for such imprisonment, ... if it
shall be proved that he was actually guilty of the offence of which he was so
convicted, or that he was liable by law to pay the sum he was so ordered to
pay, and (with respect to such imprisonment) that he had undergone no greater
punishment than that assigned by law for the offence of which he was so
convicted, or for nonpayment of the sum he was so ordered to pay.

S.14 rep. by 1893 c.61 s.2 sch.

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