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Northern Irish Legislation

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Sheriff indemnified for returning names contained in Jurors List.

43. Every sheriff and other officer to whom the return of juries shall belong
shall be and is hereby indemnified for empannelling and returning any man
named in the ["Jurors List"] ... although he may not be qualified or liable to
serve on juries; and if any sheriff or other such officer shall empannel and
return any man to serve on any such jury before any court ..., such man's name
not being inserted in the ["Jurors List"] ... for the current year, or if said
["Jurors List"] ... has not been [prepared] then in the ["Jurors List"] ...
last [prepared], or if any officer of any court shall wilfully record the
appearance of any person so summoned and returned who did not really appear,
in every such case the court shall, upon examination in a summary way, set
such fine upon such officer so offending as the court shall think meet.

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