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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> JURIES ACT (IRELAND) 1871

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Penalty on defaulting jurors.

40. If any man having been duly summoned to attend on a jury shall not attend
in pursuance of such summons ..., or if any such man, or any talesman, after
having been called, shall be present but not appear, or after his appearance
shall wilfully withdraw himself from the presence of the court, the court
shall set such fine as the court shall think meet upon every such man or
talesman making default, unless some reasonable excuse shall be proved by oath
or affidavit, as the court shall think meet: Provided that where any viewer,
having been duly summoned to attend on any jury, shall make default as
aforesaid, the court is hereby authorized and required to set upon such viewer
(unless some reasonable excuse shall be proved as aforesaid) a fine to the
amount of ten pounds at the least, and as much more as the court under the
circumstances of the particular case shall think proper.

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