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Northern Irish Legislation

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View jury to be by rule.

38. A writ or clause of view shall not be necessary or used, but ... it shall
be sufficient to obtain a rule of the court or a judge's order directing a
view to be had, and directing the sheriff to have six or more of the jurors
named in the panel chosen by consent, or, if the parties cannot agree,
nominated by the proper officer of the court at the place in question some
convenient time before the trial; and the viewers shall have the place shown
to them by two persons to be named in the order, and to be appointed by the
court or a judge; and the sheriff, upon request, shall deliver to either party
the names of the viewers, and shall also return their names to the registrar,
for the purpose of their being called as jurymen upon the trial.

S.39 rep. by 1953 c.19 (NI) s.11 sch.2

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