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7.(1) The sum of twenty thousand pounds payable under the
Royal University of Ireland Act, 1881, shall, instead of being paid as
provided by that Act, be paid, as to one half thereof to the new university
having its seat at Dublin, and, as to one half thereof to the new university
having its seat at Belfast.

(2) There shall be annually paid out of moneys provided by Parliament for the
general purposes of the new university having its seat at Belfast ... the sums
specified in Part I of the Third Schedule to this Act.

Subs.(3) rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

(4) Any sums paid under this section shall be applied by the governing body of
the university ... in accordance with their charter or statutes, but no such
sum shall be applied for the provision or maintenance of any church, chapel,
or other place of religious worship or observance, or for the provision or
maintenance of any theological or religious teaching or study:

Provided that nothing in this provision shall prevent the recognition by the
governing body of the university of any professor of or lecturer in theology
or divinity as a professor of the university so long as the professorship is
founded and maintained entirely by means of private benefaction, or the use of
any building belonging to the university ... for any teaching given by such
professor, or for any other religious teaching no part of the cost of which is
defrayed out of public funds. But no student shall be compelled to attend any
such theological teaching, or religious instruction, and no professor of or
lecturer in theology or divinity shall be eligible for membership of the
General Board of Studies or of any Faculty other than the Faculty of Theology.

(5) The grants paid under this section shall be in lieu of any grants payable
at the time of the passing of this Act, either out of the Consolidated Fund or
moneys provided by Parliament, to or for the benefit of the Royal University
of Ireland, Queen's College, Belfast, Queen's College, Cork, or Queen's
College, Galway; and shall be deemed to be in full discharge of all past or
present claims of any such university or college, or of any person holding or
having held any office in any such university or college, to be maintained or
paid out of public money, or to receive any portion of public money by way of
salary, pension, allowance, or otherwise in respect of that office, and the
liability to meet any such claim shall, for the purposes of this Act, be
treated as a liability of the university or college in connection with which
the claim arises.

Any such liability to meet a claim for pensions shall be a first charge upon
any money provided by Parliament under this section for the purposes of the
university ... liable to meet the claim.

(6) The governing body of each of the new universities ... shall prepare
annually, in such form as the Treasury shall direct, accounts of all receipts
and expenditure, capital and income, under their control, and within three
months after the expiration of the year to which the accounts relate shall
transmit the same to the Comptroller and Auditor-General to be audited,
certified, and reported upon in conformity with the powers and regulations
prescribed in the Exchequer and Audit Departments Act, 1866, for rendering and
auditing appropriation accounts, and the accounts, with the reports of the
Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon, shall be laid before the House of
Commons not later than three months after the date on which they were
transmitted for audit, if Parliament be then sitting, and, if not sitting,
within fourteen days after Parliament next assembles.

(7) Nothing in this section shall preclude any money being provided by
Parliament in addition to the sums provided under this section, either in
augmentation of any sums contributed for the purpose of the universities ...
from other sources, or otherwise.

S.8 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

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