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Statutes to be laid before Parliament.

5.(1) When any statute has been made under this Act, a notice of its having
been made and of the place where copies can be obtained shall be published in
the [Belfast Gazette], and the statute shall be laid as soon as may be before
both Houses of Parliament.

(2) If either House of Parliament within forty days (exclusive of any period
of prorogation) after a statute has been laid before it presents an address
praying His Majesty to disallow the statute or any part thereof, no further
proceedings shall be taken on the statute or on the part thereof to which the
address relates; but this provision shall be without prejudice to the making
of a new statute.

(3) The governing body of a university ... to which the statute relates, or
any other person, corporation, or body directly affected by the statute, may,
within three months from the notification thereof in the [Belfast Gazette],
petition the Lord Lieutenant in Council to disallow the whole or any part

(4) The Lord Lieutenant in Council may refer any such petition to the Irish
Universities Committee, with a direction that the committee hear the
petitioner personally or by counsel, and report specially to the Lord
Lieutenant in Council on the matter of the petition.

(5) If the committee report in favour of the disallowance of the statute or
any part thereof, the Lord Lieutenant may, by Order in Council, disallow the
whole or part thereof accordingly, but any such disallowance shall be without
prejudice to the making of a new statute.

S.6 rep. by SLR 1927

Grants in aid of universities.

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