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Prohibition of tests.

3.(1) No test whatever of religious belief shall be imposed on any person as a
condition of his becoming or continuing to be a professor, lecturer, fellow,
scholar, exhibitioner, graduate, or student of, or of his holding any office
or emolument or exercising any privilege in, either of the two new
universities ...; nor in connection with either of those universities ...
shall any preference be given to or advantage be withheld from any person on
the ground of religious belief.

(2) Every professor upon entering into office shall sign a declaration in a
form approved by the Commissioners jointly under this Act, securing the
respectful treatment of the religious opinions of any of his class.

(3) Nothing in this section shall apply to any professor of or lecturer in
theology or divinity; provided that no test of religious belief shall be
imposed by the governing body of either of the two new universities ... on any
such professor or lecturer as a condition of his appointment or recognition by
the governing body as such professor or lecturer.

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