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Northern Irish Legislation

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53.(1) An employee may present a complaint to an industrial tribunal on the
ground that he is an employee of a description to which a protective award
relates and that his employer has failed, wholly or in part, to pay him
remuneration under that award.

(2) An industrial tribunal shall not entertain a complaint under paragraph (1)
unless it is presented to the tribunal before the end of the period of three
months beginning with the day (or, if the complaint relates to more than one
day, the last of the days) in respect of which the complaint is made of
failure to pay remuneration, or within such further period as the tribunal
considers reasonable in a case where it is satisfied that it was not
reasonably practicable for the complaint to be presented within the period of
three months.

(3) Where the tribunal finds a complaint under paragraph (1) well-founded it
shall order the employer to pay the complainant the amount of remuneration
which it finds is due to him.

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