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Northern Irish Legislation

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50.(1) An employer proposing to dismiss as redundant

(a)100 or more employees at one establishment within a period of 90 days or
less; or

(b)10 or more employees at one establishment within a period of 30 days or

(i)in a case falling within sub-paragraph (a), at least 90 days before the
first of those dismissals takes effect; and

(ii)in a case falling within sub-paragraph (b), [at least 30 days] before the
first of those dismissals takes effect,

(2) In determining for the purpose of paragraph (1) whether an employer is
proposing to dismiss as redundant 100 or more, or, as the case may be, 10 or
more, employees within the periods mentioned in that paragraph, no account
shall be taken of employees whom he proposes to dismiss as redundant in
respect of whose proposed dismissals notice has already been given to the

(3) A notice under this Article shall

(a)be given to the Department by delivery to the Department or by sending it
by post to the Department;

(b)in a case where consultation with trade union representatives is required
by Article 49 identify the trade union concerned and state the date when
consultation began; and

(c)be in such form and contain such particulars, in addition to those required
by sub-paragraph (b), as the Department may direct.

(4) The copy of the notice under this Article which is to be given to trade
union representatives shall be delivered to them, or sent by post to an
address notified by them to the employer, or sent by post to the union at the
address of its head or main office.

(5) At any time after receiving a notice under this Article from an employer
the Department may by written notice require the employer to give it such
further information as may be specified in the requirement.

(6) If in any case there are special circumstances rendering it not reasonably
practicable for the employer to comply with any of the requirements of
paragraphs (1) to (5), he shall take all such steps towards compliance with
that requirement as are reasonably practicable in those circumstances.

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