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45.(1) Where in pursuance of Article 42 the Department makes any payment to an
employee in respect of any debt to which that Article applies

(a)any rights and remedies of the employee in respect of that debt (or, if the
Department has paid only part of it, in respect of that part) shall, on the
making of the payment, become rights and remedies of the Department; and

(b)any decision of an industrial tribunal requiring an employer to pay that
debt to the employee shall have the effect that the debt or, as the case may
be, that part of it which the Department has paid, is to be paid to the

(2) There shall be included among the rights and remedies which become rights
and remedies of the Department in accordance with paragraph (1)(a) any right
to be paid in priority to other creditors of the employer in accordance with

(b)section 287 of the Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1960,

(3) Where in pursuance of Article 43 the Department makes any payment into the
resources of an occupational pension scheme in respect of any contributions to
the scheme, any rights and remedies in respect of those contributions
belonging to the persons competent to act in respect of the scheme shall, on
the making of the payment, become rights and remedies of the Department.

(4) Any sum recovered by the Department in exercising any right or pursuing
any remedy which is its by virtue of this Article shall be paid into the
Northern Ireland Redundancy Fund.

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