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27.(1) At any time when a designation under Article 26 is in force, any of the
parties to the dismissal procedures agreement to which the designation relates
may apply to the Department for the designation to be revoked.

(2) If on any such application the Department is satisfied either

(a)that it is the desire of all the parties to the dismissal procedures
agreement that the designation should be revoked, or

(b)that the agreement has ceased to fulfil all the conditions specified in
Article 26(2),

(3) Where the Department revokes a designation under this Article it may give
such written directions of a transitional nature as appear to the Department
to be appropriate in the circumstances and, in particular, may direct

(a)that, notwithstanding Article 26(3), an employee shall not be excluded from
his rights under Article 20 where the effective date of termination falls
within a transitional period which is specified by the Department and is a
period ending with the date on which the revocation under this Article takes
effect and shall have an extended time for presenting a complaint under
Article 29 in respect of a dismissal where the effective date of termination
falls within that period, and

(b)that in determining any complaint of unfair dismissal presented by an
employee to whom the dismissal procedures agreement applies, where the
effective date of termination falls within that transitional period, an
industrial tribunal shall have regard to such considerations (in addition to
those specified in this Order) as the Department may specify.

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