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Power to make byelaws, with assent of general assembly, &c.

30. It shall be lawful for the trustees from time to time to make such
byelaws, rules, and regulations as may be deemed expedient respecting the
managment and disposition of the trust property, estates, and effects vested
in them, the investment of trust moneys or funds, the transfer of any moneys
or funds so invested in or upon any other security, the appointment of such
and so many committees as may be considered necessary for the despatch of
business, and to delegate to them all or any of the powers of the trustees,
and to prescribe the powers and duties each such committee shall possess and
discharge, and to declare how many members shall be on each committee, and how
many present shall be necessary to make a quorum of the trustees of the said
committees respectively, the giving or sending notices for and the times,
places, and manner of their meetings, and for the general conduct, management,
or control of business affairs, times of meeting, and proceedings of the
trustees; Provided always, that the said byelaws, and every alteration,
repeal, or addition thereto, shall not come into force and effect until
approved of by the said general assembly of the Presbyterian Church, and such
approval shall be duly evidenced by the same being signed by the moderator for
the time being of the said assembly, and the clerks of assembly, or one of
them; and the said general assembly, at the annual meeting of assembly, or any
meeting specially convened for the purpose, may by the vote of a majority at
such meeting approve of, revoke, repeal, or alter, wholly or in part, all or
any part of every or any such byelaw, rule, or regulation as aforesaid, and
substitute or make any other byelaw, rule, or regulation in lieu thereof, as
such general assembly shall think fit; and any instrument in writing which
shall purport to be a byelaw, rule, or regulation of the trustees, and which
shall be sealed with the common seal of the trustees when they are
incorporated by charter as aforesaid, or until incorporated shall be under the
hands and seals of the trustees, or any five of them, shall be received as
prima8 facie evidence of the same being such a byelaw, rule, or regulation in
all courts and before all justices, officers, and persons whomsoever: Provided
always, that the said byelaws shall not at any time be altered by the
trustees, nor any new ones be added thereto, unless at a meeting of the
trustees duly convened for the purpose, and of which meeting fourteen day's
notice shall previously be given or sent to each trustee in such form as may
be provided by the byelaw for the time being as to notices, such notice to
specify the proposed alteration, repeal, or addition.

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