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Mode of election of trustees.

29. If any of the trustees herein-before named, or to be appointed as
herein-after provided, shall die, or be declared a bankrupt, or file a
petition for relief under any Act or Acts for the time being in force for the
relief of insolvent debtors, or make any composition with his creditors, or
cease to be a member of some congregation in connexion with the said general
assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, or to reside in Ireland, or
shall be absent therefrom for a continuous period of twelve calendar months,
or shall, by writing under his hand, delivered to the clerk for the time being
of the said general assembly, express his desire to be discharged, or shall
refuse or become incapable to act, or shall be removed from being one of the
trustees by a vote of the said general assembly, then and in any of such cases
it shall be lawful for the said general assembly at its annual meeting, or at
any meeting specially convened for such purpose, to appoint a person to fill
such vacancy (the successor to fill up such vacancy to be a minister if the
deceased or retiring trustee was or is a minister, or such successor to be a
layman if the deceased or retiring trustee was or is a layman): Provided
always, that no person shall be eligible to be elected a trustee who at the
time of holding any such meeting of the general assembly is not and has not
for a period of at least two years been a member of some congregation in
connexion with the said general assembly.

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