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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> IRISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ACT 1871

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Indemnity to trustees.

27. The trustees shall not, nor shall any of them, by being party to or
executing as such trustee any contract or other instrument, or otherwise
lawfully executing any of the powers given to the trustees by this Act or the
byelaws to be made in pursuance of its provisions, be subject to be sued or
prosecuted by any person whomsoever, nor shall the bodies, goods, or lands of
such trustees or any of them be liable to execution of any legal process by
reason of any contract or other instrument so entered into, signed, or
executed by them, or any of them, or by reason of any other lawful act done by
them, or any of them, in the execution of any of their powers as such trustees
as aforesaid, and the trustees, their heirs, executors, and administrators,
shall be indemnified out of the trust funds for all payments made or
liabilities incurred in respect of any acts done by them, and for all losses,
costs, and damages which they may incur in the execution of this Act, and the
trustees for the time being may apply the trust funds for the purposes of such

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