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Contracts by trustees.

23. With respect to contracts to be made by the trustees the following
provisions shall have effect; (that is to say,)

With respect to any contract which if made between individuals would be by law
required to be in writing and under seal, the trustees may make the same in
writing under their common seal, when incorporated by charter as aforesaid, or
until incorporated under the hands and seals of the trustees or any five of
them acting on behalf or under the direction of the trustees, and in the same
manner may vary or discharge the same:

With respect to any contract which if made between individuals would be by law
required to be in writing and signed by the parties to be charged therewith,
the trustees may make the same in writing signed by any two of them, or by the
treasurer or any person appointed by byelaw to act in that behalf generally or
in any particular case, and in the same manner may vary or discharge the same:

With respect to any contract which if made between individuals would be by law
valid though not reduced into writing, the trustees, or any two of them, or
the treasurer or any person acting on behalf or under the direction of the
trustees, may make the same, or authorize the same to be made, without
writing, and in the same manner may vary or discharge the same.

Minutes of meetings to be kept.

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