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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> IRISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ACT 1871

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Power to hold lands for colleges, &c.

16. It shall be lawful for any person whomsoever, entitled so to do, to give,
grant, devise, bequeath, or assure, by any deed, will, or other instrument
sufficient in law to create or convey an estate therein, any messuages, lands,
hereditaments, or any estate therein, to the trustees when incorporated by
charter as aforesaid for any college, or for any church building or
schoolhouse in connexion with any congregation or church, or for a hall for
the meeting of the said general assembly: Provided always, that under the
provisions aforesaid or otherwise not more than thirty acres shall be held in
trust for any congregation, nor more than one hundred acres in trust for any
college, nor more than twenty acres in trust for erecting thereon a hall,
offices, or other buildings for the use of said general assembly: Provided
always, nevertheless, that any such gift, grant, bequest, or assurance of
lands in excess of the acreage hereby authorized to be held as aforesaid shall
be void as to the excess only.

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