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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> IRISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ACT 1871

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Power to invest funds in purchase, &c. of lands for manses, &c. not exceeding thirty acres for each church.

14. It shall be lawful for the trustees, when incorporated by charter as
aforesaid, to invest all moneys vested in them for that purpose in the
absolute purchase, or in procuring leases or fee-farm grants subject to annual
or other rents, and with or without fines, of lands for the erection thereon
of churches, or of manses for the use of the ministers of said church, or for
schools or other buildings in connexion with said church buildings, or for
other church purposes, the lands so to be purchased not to exceed thirty acres
for each congregation, and to sell, grant, or demise the lands so purchased to
trustees, for the minister and congregations of each church, for such sum or
at such rent and for such term as the trustee shall think fit, or to permit
such ministers and congregations to occupy and use the same at such rent and
upon such terms and conditions as the trustees shall think fit; and the
trustees may execute all such deeds, grants, leases, or other documents as may
be necessary for the purpose aforesaid.

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