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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> IRISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ACT 1871

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Mode of investment of trust funds.

12. The trustees may from time to time invest the said commutation fund, and
all other moneys that shall come to their hands under the provisions contained
for the said church, in any of the public stocks or funds or government
securities of the United Kingdom or India, or any colony or dependency of the
United Kingdom, or upon mortgage of real securities in England, Wales, or
Ireland, or in any other securities whatever which the said general assembly
of the said church shall from time to time appoint; and no trustee shall be
liable for any loss occasioned by the depreciation or failure of any such
investment or otherwise, save by his own wilful default; and the trustees from
time to time, at their discretion, may vary or transpose such stocks, funds,
and securities into or for others of the same or a like nature.

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