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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> IRISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ACT 1871

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Trusts of sustentation fund.

10. The trustees shall receive from the treasurer of the sustentation fund all
sums given, subscribed, or bequeathed thereto, and shall ... pay and apply
such sums as the said general assembly may from time to time direct: Provided
always, that donations and bequests given or bequeathed to or in favour of the
said sustentation fund, and directed to be permanently invested or otherwise
given or bequeathed as an endowment fund for the sustentation of the ministry
of the said church, and received by the trustees, shall be invested by them
and unless the respective donors or testators shall otherwise direct, the
interest, dividends, and annual income thereof shall be paid and applied by
the trustees as the general assembly may from time to time direct, and if such
donor or testator shall specifically direct the trustees to apply the same to
the support of the minister of any particular congregation, the same shall be
applied accordingly by the trustees.

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