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Court of Chancery may, on petition, order dividends of stock belonging to infants to be applied for their maintenance.

32. It shall be lawful for the Court of Chancery, by an order to be made on
the petition of the guardian of any infant in whose name any stock shall be
standing, or any sum of money, by virtue of any Act for paying off any stock,
and who shall be beneficially entitled thereto, or if there shall be no
guardian, by an order to be made in any cause depending in the said court, to
direct all or any part of the dividends due or to become due in respect of
such stocks, or any such sum of money, to be paid to any guardian of such
infant, or to any other person, according to the discretion of such court, for
the maintenance and education or otherwise for the benefit of such infant,
such guardian or other person to whom such payment shall be directed to be
made being named in the order directing such payment; and the receipt of such
guardian or other person for such dividends or sum of money, or any part
thereof, shall be as effectual as if such infant had attained the age of
[eighteen] years, and had signed and given the same.

Ss.33, 34 rep. by SLR 1873

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